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Products - Hematology

Abbott Cell Dyn 3700 Analyzer new and used and more for sale. CD3700

Abbott Cell Dyn® 3700
The CD3700 is a 90 sample per hour multi-parameter, automated hematology analyzer designed for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories. It offers advanced diagnostic capability for medium to high volume clinical laboratories. The instrument performs simultaneous optical and impedance measurements on White Blood Cells to accurately enumerate and differentiate cells as well as provide internal validation of the WBC count. Both Red Blood Cell and Platelet analysis is performed using impedance technology.
Cell Dyn 3700 Parameters
WBC 5-Part Diff: Neutrophil#, Neutrophil%, Lymphocyte#, Lymphocyte%, Monocyte#, Monocyte%, Eosinophil#, Eosinophil%, Basophil#, Basophil%, RBC#, PLT#, RETIC#, RETIC %, HGB, HCT, MCV, PCT, PDW, MPV, MCH, MCHC, RDW

5  part WBC differential analysis on up to 90 samples per hour.

The automatic sample loader handles up to 100 tubes in a run.

Data  storage for 10,000 cycles with graphics for easy review of patient results.

Only 4  reagents are needed for complete CBC with 5 part differential analysis.

On  board Veterinary package.

Abbott, cell dyn, Hitachi, abx, olympus, envoy, Beckman Coulter, Roche, Sysmex and all other Trademarks, brands, copyrights, tradenames are property of their respective owners.