Abbott Cell-Dyn® 3200 CS (Closed system) and SL (Sample Loader) models are a multi-parameter automated hematology analyzer designed for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories. The analyzer uses optical light scatter for WBC, RBC, PLT and Reticulocyte analysis to meet the needs of today’s medium volume laboratories. The instrument offers simple operation, accurate 5 part WBC differential analysis, automated sample handling and reliability. The system combines MAPSS (Multi-Angle, Polarized Scatter Separation) technology with flow cytometry to achieve a high level of accuracy and precision.
Cell Dyn 3200 Parameters
WBC 5-Part Diff: Neutrophil#, Neutrophil%, Lymphocyte#, Lymphocyte%, Monocyte#, Monocyte%, Eosinophil#, Eosinophil%, Basophil#, Basophil%, RBC#, PLT#, RETIC#, RETIC %, HGB, HCT, MCV, PCT, PDW, MPV, MCH, MCHC, RDW.
Provides a CBC with 5 part WBC differential analysis on up to 71 samples per hour.
The automatic sample loader handles up to 50 tubes in a run.
Data storage for 10,000 cycles with graphics for easy review of patient results.
Only 3 reagents are needed for complete CBC with 5 part differential analysis.
Dual angle, optical light scatter to enumerate and size platelets.
Accurate RBC counts and indices using 3 angles of light scatter and flow cytometry for accuracy.